Bug in Class::DBI::Untaint

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From: Thomas Klausner
Subject: Bug in Class::DBI::Untaint
Date: 11:07 on 23 Apr 2004
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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I found some buggy behaviour of Class::DBI::Untaint (running with CDBI
0.96_07), or maybe CGI::Untaint works a little bit different from what I'm

I set up a class and do something like:
___PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/itemid orders/);
___PACKAGE__->constrain_column(orders => Untaint => "integer");

I later cannot set orders to 0 because:
   validate_column_values error: orders My::Order orders fails 'untaint'
   constraint with '0' 

The same happens with printable fields and an empty string.

I've attached a modified t/01.t from the CDBI::Untaint distribution that
shows this behaviour.

Unfortunatly, I now next to nothing about CDBI constraints or the
CGI::Untaint internals, so I couldn't provide a patch. If this is a bug and
not a mistake by me, BTW.

If it is a bug, I could take a look at solving it, if somebody (Tony?) gives
me a short hint on where to look..

        -> Austrian Perl Workshop - 20th-22nd May - http://vienna.pm.org/ <-

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

Content-Type: application/x-troff
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="01.t"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

#!/usr/bin/perl -w=0A=0Ause strict;=0A=0Ause Test::More;=0A=0ABEGIN {=0A	ev=
al "use DBD::SQLite";=0A	plan $@ ? (skip_all =3D> 'needs DBD::SQLite for te=
sting') : (tests =3D> 8);=0A}=0A=0Apackage My::DBI;=0A=0Ause base 'Class::D=
BI';=0Ause Class::DBI::Untaint;=0A=0Ause File::Temp qw/tempfile/;=0Amy (und=
ef, $DB) =3D tempfile();=0Amy @DSN =3D ("dbi:SQLite:dbname=3D$DB", '', '', =
{ AutoCommit =3D> 1 });=0A=0AEND { unlink $DB if -e $DB }=0A=0A__PACKAGE__-=
>set_db(Main =3D> @DSN);=0A=0Apackage My::Order;=0A=0Ause base 'My::DBI';=
=0A=0A__PACKAGE__->table('orders');=0A__PACKAGE__->columns(All =3D> qw/item=
id orders description/);=0A__PACKAGE__->db_Main->do(=0A	qq{=0A	CREATE TABLE=
 orders (=0A		itemid INTEGER,=0A		orders INTEGER,=0A                descrip=
tion VARCHAR=0A	)=0A});=0A__PACKAGE__->constrain_column(orders =3D> Untaint=
 =3D> 'integer');=0A__PACKAGE__->constrain_column(description =3D> Untaint =
=3D> 'printable');=0A=0Apackage main;=0A=0A{=0A    my $order =3D My::Order-=
>create({ itemid =3D> 10, orders =3D> 103 });=0A    isa_ok $order =3D> "My:=
:Order";=0A=0A    eval { $order->orders("foo") };=0A    like $@, qr/fails '=
untaint' constraint/, "Can't set a string";=0A}=0A=0A{=0A    my $order =3D =
eval { My::Order->create({ itemid =3D> 13, orders =3D> "ten" }) };=0A    li=
ke $@, qr/fails 'untaint' constraint/, "Can't create with a string";=0A}=0A=
=0A{=0A    my $order =3D My::Order->create({ itemid =3D> 16, orders=3D>5 })=
;=0A=0A    eval { $order->orders(0) };=0A    is($@,undef,'no error');=0A   =
 is($order->orders,0,'0 orders');=0A}=0A=0A{=0A    my $order =3D My::Order-=
>create({ itemid =3D> 18, description=3D>'foo' });=0A    $order->autoupdate=
(1);=0A    is($order->description,'foo','description ok');=0A=0A    eval {$=
order->description('bar')};=0A    is($order->description,'bar','description=
 after update');=0A=0A    eval {$order->description(undef)};=0A    is($orde=
r->description,undef,'description empty after another update');=0A}=0A

Bug in Class::DBI::Untaint
Thomas Klausner 11:07 on 23 Apr 2004

Re: Bug in Class::DBI::Untaint
colm-cdbi 17:24 on 23 Apr 2004

Re: Bug in Class::DBI::Untaint
Thomas Klausner 20:15 on 23 Apr 2004

Generated at 11:34 on 01 Dec 2004 by mariachi v0.52