Re: disabling cascading delete
[Date index for 2004/05/12]
On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 03:44:46PM -0700, Carlos Vicente wrote:
> OK, so I just wrote this module (attached). I'll probably send it to
> CPAN, although I still think it wouldn't hurt to include the extra
> functionality in Class::DBI::Relationship::MasMany, since the difference
> is only a few lines.
What does it look like if you inherit from Relationship::HasMany, rather
than just from Relationship? Do I need to factor out some of the methods
so you can override them easier?
I'm not against including it in HasMany itself, as it should be safely
backwards-compatible - although I would like to see some tests in
that case.
If you are releasing it, though, I'd also rather you tried to find a
more descriptive name for it that talks about what it actually does -
other people may want to extend, or enhance, the relationship, along
completely different lines...
Re: disabling cascading delete
Tony Bowden 06:23 on 12 May 2004