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Hi, since in Postgres you can define references in the tables like CREATE TABLE my_table ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, ref integer REFERENCES other_table ); I wrote a littel sub that looks up those references in the databse and set the has_a / has_many references. Maybe it would be worth including in CDBI::Pg? here it is: # Create has_a realtion defined for $table in $namespace as # $namespace::$table->has_a( $column => $namespace::$foreign ); # # and has_many relation as # $namespace::$foreign->has_many( "$table_referencing_$column" => # $namespace::$table ); sub set_up_references{ my $self = shift; my $table = shift; my $namespace = shift; my $package = $namespace ."::". Class::DBI::AutoLoader::table2class($table); my $dbh = $package->db_Main; my $catalog = ""; $catalog = 'pg_catalog.' if ($package->pg_version >= 7.3); #find oid of table my $sth = $dbh-> prepare("SELECT oid FROM ${catalog}pg_class WHERE relname = ?"); $sth->execute($table); my ($oid) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; #find all foreign_key constraints $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"SQL"); SELECT conkey, confrelid FROM ${catalog}pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = ${oid} AND contype = 'f' SQL $sth->execute(); my $reflist = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; $sth->finish; $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"SQL"); SELECT a.attname, c.relname FROM ${catalog}pg_attribute a, ${catalog}pg_class c WHERE a.attnum = ? AND a.attrelid = ${oid} AND c.oid = ? SQL foreach my $ref (@$reflist) { $$ref[0] =~ /(\d+)/; $$ref[0] = $1; $sth->execute( @$ref ); my ( $c, $r ) = $sth->fetchrow_array; my $foreign = $namespace ."::". Class::DBI::AutoLoader::table2class($r); my $desc = $table.'_referencing_'.$c; eval { $package->has_a ( $c => $foreign ); }; eval { $foreign->has_many ( $desc => $package, $c ); }; } } #-------- Grüße, Andreas Fromm
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sub to automatically set up relations for postgres
Generated at 11:34 on 01 Dec 2004 by mariachi v0.52