hang in _insert_row

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From: Dana Hudes
Subject: hang in _insert_row
Date: 00:14 on 19 Jul 2004
I am using perl 5.8.1, Class::DBI 0.96, and DBD::Pg 1.33 (CVS version of 
14-July, to get 'magic scalar' fix).

My program hangs in _insert_row at DBI.pm line 636 which is 
	$sth->execute(values %$data);

This behavior does NOT occur if I do a simple create() on a table which is
two columns (index, label) ; it is happening on a larger table with has_a 
(and has_many but they've been filtered out before this point) 
relationships. This behavior is 100% repeatable with this table.
I am going to refactor this to have a 1-column primary key but
I wonder if the problem relates to the has_a on a field included in the 
primary key.

Here is the relevant table class:
package Webcontent::Tables::Models;
use base qw(Webcontent::Tables);
use strict;
__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/firstname lastname model_id/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw/age height weight gender ethnicity 
haircolor eye_color chest cup waist hips shoe_size dress_size  birthdate  
managed about/);
__PACKAGE__->has_a(gender => 'Webcontent::Tables::Gender');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(haircolor => 'Webcontent::Tables::Haircolor');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(eye_color => 'Webcontent::Tables::Eyecolor');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(model_id => 'Webcontent::Tables::Subjects');

package Webcontent::Tables;
use strict;

  use Exporter ();
  use version;
  my $version = new version qw$Revision: 1.7 $;
  @ISA         = qw (Exporter);
  #Give a hoot don't pollute, do not export more than needed by default
  @EXPORT      = qw ();
  @EXPORT_OK   = qw ();
  %EXPORT_TAGS = ();

use base qw(Class::DBI::Pg);
'dbi:Pg:dbname=webcontent','','',{AutoCommit => 1});



hang in _insert_row
Dana Hudes 00:14 on 19 Jul 2004

Re: hang in _insert_row
Tony Bowden 08:52 on 19 Jul 2004

Generated at 11:35 on 01 Dec 2004 by mariachi v0.52