Re: Feature request - Allow searching columns of related tables in search() and search_like()

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From: Tony Bowden
Subject: Re: Feature request - Allow searching columns of related tables in search() and search_like()
Date: 19:12 on 10 Jan 2005
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 06:33:31PM +0000, Matt S Trout wrote:
> It'd also be really nice if ->search allowed you to specify constraints on
> multiple tables and automatically did the appropriate joins to allow this.

What would the syntax for this look like?


(message missing)

Re: Feature request - Allow searching columns of related tables in search() and search_like()
Tony Bowden 19:12 on 10 Jan 2005

Generated at 12:48 on 22 Feb 2005 by mariachi v0.52