Re-inserting a record after delete
[Date index for 2005/04/06]
I'm running into a problem in testing an application. For testing
purposes, I need to delete a record from the database, and then turn
around and put it back in with the same primary key (by making a test
call to an application function). The problem I'm having is that when I
try to do the find_or_create with the identical primary key, I get the
following error:
Can't locate object method "call_trigger" via package
"Class::DBI::Object::Has::Been::Deleted" (perhaps you forgot to load
"Class::DBI::Object::Has::Been::Deleted"?) at
/usr/local/perl5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Class/ line 579, <DATA>
line 283.
This isn't surprising to me, but I don't know how to get around it. Or,
rather, I got around it by seemingly reinitializing access to the table
by making a retrieve call to the table. But what would be the
appropriate way to get my table object re-associated with it's correct
parent object; i.e. not Class::DBI::Object::Has::Been::Deleted?
Re-inserting a record after delete
Gianni, Andrew 17:03 on 06 Apr 2005