pretty(ish) pictures...

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From: Caroline Johnston
Subject: pretty(ish) pictures...
Date: 16:40 on 12 Jul 2005

I made a thing to draw ascii tables from CDBI classes. Is it any use to
anyone? I've never contributed code to anything before, so any comments
would be appreciated.

it just exports ->ascii, which returns a
Class::DBI::WithPictures::Ascii::Picture, so if you use it in your CBDI
class, you can:

$pic = Test::DBI::Widget->ascii;
print $pic->table;

| widget  |
| *id     |
| thingy  |-> thingy

print $pic->width;  #in number of letters

print $pic->height;  #in number of rows

It only deals with has_a relationships and it should probably draw a table
with values filled in if called as an object method, but it doesn't yet. I
was vaguely thinking that a Class::DBI::WithPictures::HTML and a
Class::DBI::WithPictures::SVG might be handy too?

Code below.



package Class::DBI::WithPictures::Ascii::Picture;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub new
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = bless {}, $class;
  return $self;

sub table
  my ($self, $table) = @_;
  $self->{table} = $table if $table;
  return $self->{table};

sub width
   my ($self, $width) = @_;
   $self->{width} = $width if $width;
   return $self->{width};

sub height
   my ($self, $height) = @_;
   $self->{height} = $height if $height;
   return $self->{height};


package Class::DBI::WithPictures::Ascii;

use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT);

use Class::DBI::WithPictures::Ascii::Picture;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

require Exporter;
*import = \&Exporter::import;
@EXPORT = qw(ascii);

sub ascii
    my $self = shift;

    my $table = $self->table;
    my @cols = $self->columns;

    #longest row?
    my $width  = 0;
    foreach ($table, map {$_->name} @cols)
      {$width = length($_) if $width < length($_)}
    $width = $width+3;

    #get key info
    my $has_a = $self->meta_info('has_a');
    my $pk = $self->primary_column;

   #make ascii table
   my @rows;

   my $total_width = $width;
   foreach my $col (@cols)
       my $row = $col->name;

      # add a* if PK
      $row = "*$row" if ($col->name eq $pk);

      # add border and pad with spaces
      $row = &_ascii_pad($row, $width);

      # add ->foreign_table if has_a
      $row .= '-> '.$has_a->{$col}->foreign_class->table
           if (defined $has_a->{$col});
      $total_width = length($row)
          if ($total_width < length($row));

      #add to the row array
      push @rows, $row;


   #Sort rows. Alphabetical, except PK always on top.
   @rows = sort {$a =~/^\*.+$/ ||  $a cmp $b } @rows;

   #top / bottom
   my $crossbar = '+';
   my $i;
   for ($i = 1; $i<=$width; $i++)
       $crossbar .= '-';

   unshift @rows,($crossbar, &_ascii_pad($table, $width), $crossbar);
   push @rows, $crossbar;

   my $pic = Class::DBI::WithPictures::Ascii::Picture->new();
   my $txt .= join "\n", @rows;
   $txt .= "\n\n";

   return $pic;


sub _ascii_pad
    my ($txt, $width) = @_;

    $txt = '| '.$txt;

    for (my $i = length($txt); $i<=$width; $i++)
        $txt .= ' ';
    $txt .= '|';
    return $txt;


pretty(ish) pictures...
Caroline Johnston 16:40 on 12 Jul 2005

Re: pretty(ish) pictures...
stelf 05:24 on 13 Jul 2005

Re: pretty(ish) pictures...
Ron Savage 05:37 on 13 Jul 2005

Re: pretty(ish) pictures...
Aaron Trevena 13:51 on 13 Jul 2005

Re: pretty(ish) pictures...
Caroline Johnston 15:02 on 13 Jul 2005

Re: pretty(ish) pictures...
stelf 17:57 on 13 Jul 2005

Generated at 16:36 on 28 Jul 2005 by mariachi v0.52