Re: Performance of large queries
[Date index for 2004/07/15]
On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 07:22:23PM +0000, cdbi-talk@xxxxxxxxx.xx wrote:
> The structure of the database is quite simple:
> ---
> package GT::DBDyn::Stock::EOD::Data::Prices;
> use base 'GT::DBDyn::Stock::EOD::Data::DBI';
> __PACKAGE__->table('prices');
> __PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/source code datum exchange/);
> __PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw/open high low close volume
> currency/); __PACKAGE__->columns(Others => qw/adjust/);
> __PACKAGE__->has_a(source => 'GT::DBDyn::Stock::EOD::Data::Source');
> __PACKAGE__->has_a(exchange =>
> 'GT::DBDyn::Stock::Exchange::Data::Exchange'); __PACKAGE__->has_a(code =>
> 'GT::DBDyn::Names::Data::Names'); ---
Can I just check that your PK really needs to have all those
What methods are you calling on the results you get back? Are you
calling source / exchange as these are has_a and will have to make new
> And the query is the following:
> my @ret =
> GT::DBDyn::Stock::EOD::Data::Prices->search( { @_ }, {order_by =>
> 'datum'} );
> It takes quite a long time for the processing. The query return ca. 2000
> datasets. Using the classical DBI-Query speeds up the query by an factor
> of 3 or 4. ...
Its a pretty basic suggestion, but have you tried using an iterator for
the result set? - it should mean you can start looping over your results
more quickly rather than building all the objects at the outset.
my $iter = GT::DBDyn::Stock::EOD::Data::Prices->search({ @_ },
{ order_by => 'datum'}});
while (my $obj = $iter->next) {
# ...
Alternatively check out set_sql in the docs which allows you to return
raw SQL results using normal DBI methods.
Do people think there would be a general case for search_raw() and
retrve_all_raw() class methods in Class::DBI or is this breaking the
encapsulation too much? It would seem that these would be simple to add
and fairly handy given that the search() stuff does a lot of useful
things that would probably lead to less cases where people would need
roll-you-own SQL. I think there is an argument for this at least being
something you can use internally - the current search doesn't seem to
lend itself to you being able to write a wrapper to it that doesn't
involve objects if you'd like a middle ground between objects and
roll-your-own SQL. Just a thought.