Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
[Date index for 2005/05/04]
The __JOIN(c1 c2)__ placeholder is unpredictable if c1 has multiple has_a relationships to c2. CDBI simply picks the first relationship it finds. You should be able to explictly specify which relationship to use.
package Person;
use base 'Class::DBI';
__PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/ID FirstName LastName Father Mother/);
__PACKAGE__->has_a(Father => 'Person');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(Mother => 'Person');
Let's say you want to select a list of a Persons based on their Father's FirstName. You should be able to do something like this:
FROM __TABLE(Person=p)__, __TABLE(Person=father)__
WHERE __JOIN(p.Father father)__ AND father.FirstName = 'Joe'
Here's a changed Class::DBI::transform_sql (based on version 0.96) that supports specifying which foreign key to use in a __JOIN__. It it also supports specifying multiple joins (from left to right), so you could search based on a paternal grandfather's FirstName like so:
FROM __TABLE(Person=p)__, __TABLE(Person=father)__, __TABLE(Person=grandpa)__
WHERE __JOIN(p.Father father.Father grandpa)__ AND grandpa.FirstName = 'Joe'
sub transform_sql {
my ($self, $sql, @args) = @_;
my %cmap;
my $expand_table = sub {
my ($class, $alias) = split /=/, shift, 2;
my $table = $class ? $class->table : $self->table;
$cmap{ $alias || $table } = $class || ref $self || $self;
($alias ||= "") &&= " AS $alias";
return $table . $alias;
my $expand_join = sub {
my $joins = shift;
my @table = split /\s+/, $joins;
my %tojoin = map { $table[$_] => $table[ $_ + 1 ] } 0 .. $#table - 1;
my @sql;
while (my ($t1, $t2) = each %tojoin) {
my ($fcol, $col);
($t1, $fcol) = split /\./, $t1;
($t2) = split /\./, $t2;
my ($c1, $c2) = map $cmap{$_}
|| $self->_croak("Don't understand table '$_' in JOIN"), ($t1, $t2);
if($fcol) {
$col = $self->find_column($fcol) . ''
|| $self->_croak("$c1 doesn't contain column $fcol");
my $rel = $c1->meta_info('has_a')->{$col};
$self->_croak("Can't join $c1 to $c2 using column $fcol")
unless $rel && $rel->foreign_class eq $c2;
} else {
my $join_col = sub {
my ($c1, $c2) = @_;
my $meta = $c1->meta_info('has_a');
my ($col) = grep $meta->{$_}->foreign_class eq $c2, keys %$meta;
$col = $join_col->($c1 => $c2) || do {
($c1, $c2) = ($c2, $c1);
($t1, $t2) = ($t2, $t1);
$join_col->($c1 => $c2);
$self->_croak("Don't know how to join $c1 to $c2") unless $col;
push @sql, sprintf " %s.%s = %s.%s ", $t1, $col, $t2,
return join " AND ", @sql;
$sql =~ s/__TABLE\(?(.*?)\)?__/$expand_table->($1)/eg;
$sql =~ s/__JOIN\((.*?)\)__/$expand_join->($1)/eg;
$sql =~ s/__ESSENTIAL__/join ", ", $self->_essential/eg;
$sql =~
s/__ESSENTIAL\((.*?)\)__/join ", ", map "$1.$_", $self->_essential/eg;
if ($sql =~ /__IDENTIFIER__/) {
my $key_sql = join " AND ", map "$_=?", $self->primary_columns;
$sql =~ s/__IDENTIFIER__/$key_sql/g;
return $self->SUPER::transform_sql($sql => @args);
- Stepan