Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__

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From: Stepan Riha
Subject: Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Date: 15:31 on 05 May 2005
Quoting Tony Bowden :

> Thanks for this. In general I'm happy with the concept, but I'm not
> completely following the syntax. Could you take a stab at some docs
> and/or tests that show some of this in action?

Are you talking about the syntax in the perl code or the syntax in the 
  I'd love to expand the documentation on the __JOIN__, but AFAIK there ain't
none, right?

A more specific example for this can be seen in your test classes Film and
Director.  You should be able to add the following relationships to Film:

package Film;
Film->has_a(Director => 'Director');
Film->has_a(CoDirector => 'Director');

Now let's say I want to have a query for films whose director's birthday is
before a certain date.  I may be tempted to specify the following query:

Film->set_sql(directors_born_before => <<'');
    FROM __TABLE(=f)__, __TABLE(Director=d)__
    WHERE __JOIN(f d)__ AND d.Birthday <= ?

However, since Film has two "has_a" relationships to the Director class, the
__JOIN__ is ambiguous and will be expanded into either "f.director =" or
"f.codirector =" (depending on how perl sorts the 
meta_info('has_a') hash

My code enhances the __JOIN__ syntax to allow you to specify which 
exact foreign
key to use in the join.  So, you'd specify "__JOIN(f.Director d)__" to get the
director (and, conversely, you'd specify "__JOIN(f.CoDirector d)__" if you
wanted to get the CoDirector):

Film->set_sql(directors_born_before => <<'');
    FROM __TABLE(Film f)__, __TABLE(Director d)__
    WHERE __JOIN(f.Director d)__ AND d.Birthday <= ?

Film->set_sql(codirectors_born_before => <<'');
    FROM __TABLE(Film f)__, __TABLE(Director d)__
    WHERE __JOIN(f.CoDirector d)__ AND d.Birthday <= ?

As far as testing goes, you could add the following to 19-set_sql.t:

{    # join with fkey
	Actor->has_a(film => "Film");
		ratename => qq{
		FROM   __TABLE(=f)__, __TABLE(Actor=a)__
		WHERE  __JOIN( f)__
		AND    f.rating = ?
		ORDER BY title

	my @apg = Film->search_ratename(PG => "A_");
	is @apg, 2, "2 Films with A* that are PG";
	is $apg[0]->title, "A", "A";
	is $apg[1]->title, "B", "and B";

BTW, I think that transform_sql should test for and complain if it's 
expanding a
has_a relationship that's ambiguous (i.e. "__JOIN(f d)__" in my example).  My
code doesn't do that check.

Also, a similar problem exists when specifying has_many relationships:

     Director->has_many( DirectedFilms => 'Film');
     Director->has_many( CoDirectedFilms => 'Film');

Again, when ambiguous, you should be able to specify the foreign key and CDBI
should croak on ambiguities:

     Director->has_many( DirectedFilms => 'Film.Director');
     Director->has_many( CoDirectedFilms => 'Film.CoDirector');

Anyway, I'm using the new __JOIN__ syntax in an enhanced AbstractSearch where
I'll be able to specify where clauses from joined tables ("Films whose title
contains $film_title and whose director's insanity equals $director_nuts and
whose codirector's instanity equals $codirector_nuts") like so:

my @films = Film->search_where( {
       'title' => { -like => "%$film_title%" },
       'director.IsInsane' => $director_nuts,
       'codirector.IsInsane' => $codirector_nuts,
} );

Which will be converted to the following SQL before CDBI has its way with it:

       __JOIN(t_film.Director t_film_director)__ AND
       __JOIN(t_film.CoDirector t_film_codirector)__ AND
       title LIKE '%voter_name%' AND
       t_film_director.isnuts = ? AND
       t_film_codirector.isnuts = ?

     - Stepan

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
merlyn (Randal L. Schwartz) 18:59 on 04 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Christopher Laco 20:34 on 04 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Tony Bowden 20:35 on 04 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Dave Cross 22:01 on 04 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Tony Bowden 20:37 on 04 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Stepan Riha 15:31 on 05 May 2005

Re: Request: Support for __JOIN(c1.fkey c2)__
Tony Bowden 21:27 on 05 May 2005

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