Class::DBI 0.96 on Tiger.

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From: Shawn Sorichetti
Subject: Class::DBI 0.96 on Tiger.
Date: 13:38 on 30 May 2005
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     This morning while reinstalling various modules after a Tiger  
upgrade I ran into a test failure during Class::DBI testing in 04- 
lazy.t. I'm using the stock perl (5.8.6) that comes with Tiger,  
others have confirmed that the tests do pass if using a custom built.
     I updated 04-lazy.t to use is_deeply rather than the ok 
(eq_set....) that was there in order to see why the tests failed. A  
couple modifications to the results (when sorted "that" should come  
before "this" for example) and now the tests pass. I also tested on  
FreeBSD and Fedora Core 2 using perl 5.8.3. While 04-lazy.t did pass  
on these two platforms before, with my modifications they still pass  
and now stock OS X perl passes.
     I've included the patch below.

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---	2005-05-30 08:51:33.000000000 -0400
+++ 04-lazy.t	2005-05-30 09:23:32.000000000 -0400
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@
-ok(eq_set([ Lazy->columns('Primary') ],        [qw/this/]),      "Pri");
-ok(eq_set([ sort Lazy->columns('Essential') ], [qw/opop this/]), "Essential");
-ok(eq_set([ sort Lazy->columns('things') ],    [qw/that this/]), "things");
-ok(eq_set([ sort Lazy->columns('horizon') ],   [qw/eep orp/]),   "horizon");
-ok(eq_set([ sort Lazy->columns('vertical') ],  [qw/oop opop/]),  "vertical");
-ok(eq_set([ sort Lazy->columns('All') ], [qw/eep oop opop orp this that/]), "All");
+is_deeply([ Lazy->columns('Primary') ] ,        [qw/this/],      "Pri");
+is_deeply([ sort Lazy->columns('Essential') ], [qw/opop this/], "Essential");
+is_deeply([ sort Lazy->columns('things') ],    [qw/that this/], "things");
+is_deeply([ sort Lazy->columns('horizon') ],   [qw/eep orp/],   "horizon");
+is_deeply([ sort Lazy->columns('vertical') ],  [qw/oop opop/],  "vertical");
+is_deeply([ sort Lazy->columns('All') ], [qw/eep oop opop orp that this /], "All");
 	my @groups = Lazy->__grouper->groups_for(Lazy->find_column('this'));
-	ok eq_set([ sort @groups ], [qw/things Essential Primary/]),
-		"this (@groups)";
+	is_deeply([ sort @groups ], [qw/Essential Primary things/],
+		"this (@groups)");
 	my @groups = Lazy->__grouper->groups_for(Lazy->find_column('that'));
-	ok eq_set(\@groups, [qw/things/]), "that (@groups)";
+	is_deeply(\@groups, [qw/things/], "that (@groups)");
 Lazy->create({ this => 1, that => 2, oop => 3, opop => 4, eep => 5 });

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Shawn Sorichetti


Class::DBI 0.96 on Tiger.
Shawn Sorichetti 13:38 on 30 May 2005

Re: Class::DBI 0.96 on Tiger.
William Ross 14:43 on 30 May 2005

Re: Class::DBI 0.96 on Tiger.
Shawn Sorichetti 15:07 on 30 May 2005

Generated at 20:11 on 05 Jun 2005 by mariachi v0.52