Re: abstract class with Class::DBI
[Date index for 2004/10/21]
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As you are using Pg, you could use trhe table inheritance of the rdbms.
I don't know if CDBI works well with inherited tables, but it should be
possible to move all the magic into the rdbms, leading to much simpler code.
Edward Betts wrote:
| I've got a bunch of activities, they are of different types like e-mail,
| SMS, and registration. They are represented by an abstract class, called
| Activity, with subclasses for each type, called ActivityEmail,
| and ActivityReg. I'm trying to work out how to store them using
| I'm using PostgreSQL for the database, fields that are common to all the
| types are stored the activity table.
| create table activity (
| id serial primary key,
| title varchar(50),
| activitytype character(10) check (activitytype in ('email',
'sms', 'reg'));
| activitydate date,
| );
| create table activity_email (
| activity integer primary key references activity(id),
| subject varchar(80),
| body text,
| whofrom varchar(80),
| whoto varchar(80),
| );
| create table activity_sms (
| activity integer primary key references activity(id),
| message varchar(160)
| )
| create table activity_reg (
| activity integer primary key references activity(id),
| purpose varchar(15) check (purpose in ('General', 'Competition')),
| );
| For each activity there is one entry in the activity table, and one in the
| table for that specific type.
| Column definitions are provided by Class::DBI::Loader, here is the
| Class::DBI code to describe the classes:
| package MyApp::Activity;
| __PACKAGE__->might_have(activity_email => 'VV::ActivityEmail');
| __PACKAGE__->might_have(activity_sms => 'VV::ActivitySms');
| __PACKAGE__->might_have(activity_reg => 'VV::ActivityReg');
| package MyApp::ActivityEmail;
| use base qw(MyApp::Activity);
| __PACKAGE__->has_a(activity => 'MyApp::Activity');
| package MyApp::ActivitySms;
| use base qw(MyApp::Activity);
| __PACKAGE__->has_a(activity => 'MyApp::Activity');
| package MyApp::ActivityReg;
| use base qw(MyApp::Activity);
| __PACKAGE__->has_a(activity => 'MyApp::Activity');
| Does all of this look right, or should I be doing it another way?
- --
Andreas Fromm
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
(message missing)