Re: create and insert

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From: Hartmaier Alexander
Subject: Re: create and insert
Date: 14:07 on 24 Jan 2005
I just finished my NAC::ScanInterface class and included it in my webpage=

package NAC::ScanInterface;
use strict;
use warnings;
use nactools;
use base 'NAC::DBI';
__PACKAGE__->table($dbtools::schemaname . '.scaninterface');
__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary    =3D> qw/port/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential  =3D> qw/fk_device datetime name snmpid sn=
mpid_rtt type speed mtu ipaddr ipnetmask description/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(Others     =3D> qw//);
__PACKAGE__->columns(TEMP       =3D> qw/fk_line/);

__PACKAGE__->has_a(fk_device    =3D> 'NAC::Device');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(fk_line      =3D> 'NAC::Line');

__PACKAGE__->add_trigger(select  =3D> \&trig_line);

sub trig_line {
  my ($self) =3D @_;

  if (not defined $self->line)
    my $dbh =3D nactools::connectdbnacweb();
    my @ary_description =3D split(/\s/, $self->description, 4);
    # workaround for LAN interfaces which have no provider
    if ($ary_description[0] =3D~ /^LAN/ )
      # LAN interfaces have no provider=20
      unshift (@ary_description, '');
      # and no speed
      splice (@ary_description, 3, 0, '');
    # all others have no location=20
      splice (@ary_description, 2, 0, '');
    #$obj_line->name         ($ary_description[1]);
    #$obj_line->location     ($ary_description[2]);
    #$obj_line->speed        ($ary_description[3]);
    #$obj_line->description  ($ary_description[4]);
    #$obj_line->fk_provider  (get_provider ($dbh, $ary_description[0]));
}  =20

Is the use of the TEMP column ok? I need it for NAC::Line object lookup.
The trigger seems to work fine...

Now I'll look in the process of creating NAC::Interface objects out of NA=
C::ScanInterface objects. As Perrin already wrote the NAC::ScanInterface =
objects don't have the same primary key as the NAC::Interface objects so =
I won't be able to use ->copy.

Thanks for the feedback!


-----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Perrin Harkins []=20
Gesendet: Sonntag, 23. Januar 2005 01:19
An: Peter Speltz
Cc: class dbi list
Betreff: Re: create and insert

Peter Speltz wrote:

> --- Perrin Harkins <> wrote:
>>You can add to an existing object and then update() it, but you have to=
>>already have a primary key.
> Is that what Alex is  doing?

No, which is why it isn't working for him.  He is making broken objects=20=

with no primary key, that CDBI should prevent.

> To me it seems  he is getting data from
> scaninterface and making an Interface object out of it. He doesn't even=
 have a
> Scaninterface CDBI class.=20
> ($obj_new_interface) =3D NAC::Interface->search_from_scan(..); # sql_fr=
> retrieves data only from scaninterface table.=20

Right, and that would actually work if his scaninterface table had the=20=

same primary key, but it doesn't, so he ends without a primary key in=20
hos objects.

- Perrin

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create and insert
Hartmaier Alexander 16:00 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Dana Hudes 16:06 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Hartmaier Alexander 16:24 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Jay Strauss 17:45 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 18:46 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Jay Strauss 19:33 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 19:51 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Jay Strauss 17:39 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 17:53 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 18:06 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Hartmaier Alexander 09:40 on 21 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Jay Strauss 15:41 on 21 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 19:35 on 21 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 05:50 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 17:19 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 17:43 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 19:09 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 22:22 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Perrin Harkins 00:18 on 23 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Hartmaier Alexander 14:07 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
William McKee 16:15 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Peter Speltz 16:28 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: create and insert
Hartmaier Alexander 16:38 on 24 Jan 2005

Generated at 17:42 on 27 Jan 2005 by mariachi v0.52