Re: one to one revisited (has_own)

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From: Peter Speltz
Subject: Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Date: 08:23 on 25 Jan 2005
--- Andreas Fromm <Andreas.Fromm@xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Maybe you could post it here too. I think there are more peaple
> interested in that. Me, for example.  Isn't there a Wiki where such
> things could be posted?

Yeah. I meant to say i'd post it to list. Once it works it'd be good to post to
the cdbi wiki, too.  I'll try to remember :)

> Peter Speltz wrote:
> | --- William McKee <> wrote:
> |
> |
> |>On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 10:16:58AM -0800, Peter Speltz wrote:
> |>
> |>>Unless i'm missing something, I think a has_own relationship and
> |>>constraints to might_have could be powerful and take a whole lot of
> |>>guess work out of program logic.
> |>
> |>Peter,
> |>
> |>I follow your thinking and have a project with similar needs for
> |>multiple types of addresses and phone numbers. Right now, I have a mess
> |>of code that uses triggers to populate temporary fields such as
> |>billing_address, billing_city, billing_state, etc.
> |>
> |>I like your proposed solution and could throw it into my current project
> |>for testing if you have some code.
> |>
> |>
> |>William
> |>
> |
> |
> | Cool. No code yet. I'm gonna work on it today. i'll pass it tt you
> when i get
> | it ready for testing. Thanks.
> |
> |
> |
> | =====
> | pjs
> |
> | __________________________________________________
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> | Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> |
> - --
> Grüsse,
> Andreas Fromm
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> =iHhb


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 22:26 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Perrin Harkins 21:59 on 21 Jan 2005

Re: one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 05:11 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 18:16 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
William McKee 15:39 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 16:01 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Andreas Fromm 08:19 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 19:34 on 25 Jan 2005

Selecting from a datetime field in MySQL
John Day 22:24 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: Selecting from a datetime field in MySQL
Perrin Harkins 22:29 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 23:24 on 26 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 17:40 on 01 Feb 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 08:23 on 25 Jan 2005

Generated at 12:39 on 05 Feb 2005 by mariachi v0.52