Re: one to one revisited (has_own)

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From: Peter Speltz
Subject: Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Date: 19:34 on 25 Jan 2005
Finally Looking at this.  For those who don't know cause my email was way too
long, here's a summary of funtionality we'd like in mighthave:

make might_have a 0orM:1 relationship with contraints. See below for use
make a M:1 relationship,  "has_own" maybe, for when you don't what the "might"
in might_have.  


Here are customer address table columns:  
Address->columns(All => qw/addr_id cstmr_id addr_type street city state zip/);

# Declarations
# billing address required

Customer->has_own(billing_address => "Address" => qw/street city state zip/,
                  constraint => {addr_type => 'billing'}); 

Customer->might_have(service_exists_at => "Address" => (), 
                  constraint => { addr_type => "service" });
Customer->might_have(shipping_address  => "Address" => (), 
                  constraint =>  {addr_type => 'shipping'});

# Much more precise than has_many(addresses => "Address"). 
# We've specified all the types of addresses a person can have and which one 
# is required and consequentially, the default for all the other ones.
# Above makes something kind of like a has_many hash

Ok,  It seems i was wrong about might_have being a 0 or M to 1. Its a 0or1 to
1. I haven't used it but this assertion comes from  the id of the "owner" is
expected to be the id of the might_have. And both are single primary key
tables.  Is this accurate anyone?

Should be simple change at any rate to make it a 0orM to 1 with contraints.

I also notice in docs, it mentions requesting changes to might have and maybe
these is the kind of changes its talking about.

I'll work on it more after lunch.


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

(message missing)

one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 22:26 on 20 Jan 2005

Re: one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Perrin Harkins 21:59 on 21 Jan 2005

Re: one to one relationship revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 05:11 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 18:16 on 22 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
William McKee 15:39 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 16:01 on 24 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Andreas Fromm 08:19 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 19:34 on 25 Jan 2005

Selecting from a datetime field in MySQL
John Day 22:24 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: Selecting from a datetime field in MySQL
Perrin Harkins 22:29 on 25 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 23:24 on 26 Jan 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 17:40 on 01 Feb 2005

Re: one to one revisited (has_own)
Peter Speltz 08:23 on 25 Jan 2005

Generated at 12:39 on 05 Feb 2005 by mariachi v0.52