Class::DBI and caching
[Date index for 2005/02/04]
I have a mod_perl application which uses persistent db connections
with Class::DBI. Every Apache process uses his own db handle.
My problem is the following:
1) The user makes a request which is processed by process A
2) Now the next request is processed by process B, I alter a value
and DBI saves the data / updates the object for further usage
in process B
3) In the third request the user gets back to process A, DBI notices
"hey, there is the db object I need" and uses it, obviously its
cached data should be discarded since they are out of date.
Is there any way to prevent DBI caching data (or at least trigger DBI
to update the object without storing the discarded data which still
reside in the object)?
Thanks for your answers.
Best regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Keller.
inatec solutions GmbH, Public Key 0x94A5F429
Class::DBI and caching
Thomas Keller 15:36 on 04 Feb 2005