Re: How to approach converting to CDBI?
[Date index for 2005/07/04]
Brett Sanger wrote:
> I've been browsing about the list here for a while, and I'm tackling
> converting the code at work to start using CDBI.
> I've read several posts indicating that CBDI is not a drop-in
> replacement for SQL, because it's a different way of thinking about
> things.
> That's fine, I'm not the world's biggest SQL fan, and I'm willing to
> adapt.
> However, I'm unsure what the wisest way to convert some of our code over
> would be. Advice and pointers appreciated.
> For example, we have a db of office memos. One commonly accessed
> function is to look at the most recent memos. This is a simple WHERE
> clause with a LIMIT command. (Postgres).
> In CDBI view, i'm tackling this with add_constructor because of the
> LIMIT...does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes perfect sense and it's the way I do it most of the time.
> Next, I've found a statement like this (trimmed):
> select id, extract(year from filedate), extract(month from filedate),
> extract(day from filedate), email, ap_date(filedate) from table
> where...
> It looks as though they are pull YMD separately from the date field, and
> then later calling a stored procedure ap_date, which does the ugly
> translation of the date into AP (Associated Press) style (known here as
> the "hates computers" style).
> has_a will let me fiddle with the date, but is that really the best way
> to tackle this? Is the CDBI concept to stop doing transformations and
> twistings of columns on the SQL-side?
Yeah, this is actually one of my favorite things about C::DBI and that's
column inflation/deflation. I would inflatet the date (or datetime)
columns into DateTime objects (some people like Time::Piece, but it's
the same approach).
filedate => 'DateTime',
inflate => sub { DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_timestamp(shift) },
deflate => sub { DateTime::Format::Pg->format_datetime(shift) },
Now anytime in your application you just call
and it's a DateTime object, so you can manipulate it any way you want.
> Lastly, we have a lot of code that sets a timestamp to "now()". Should
> I replace that with the perl-thought of current time?
That's a hard one. For instance if your database is remote or on a
separate box you probably want it's time and not the application's perl
But if you wanted to use the current 'perl' time, then it's as simple as
Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP
Re: How to approach converting to CDBI?
Michael Peters 16:07 on 04 Jul 2005